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Shilshole Bay Yacht Club

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Shilshole Bay Yacht Club was chartered in 1961 to provide a friendly and informal organization for people interested in recreational boating and fun on the water. We welcome newcomers and are pleased you’re interested in becoming a member. Here’s how:

  • Attend two social functions within one year. Social functions include dinner meetings (held the third Tuesday of each month, except June, July and August), fun cruises, holiday cruises, club parties, or similar events
  • Applicants must be sponsored by two members in good standing. If you don’t know anyone in the Club, email our Rear Commodore.
  • When the attendance requirement is met and payment of the initiation fee ($120.00) and one year’s dues (prorated quarterly) is made, the Board will vote on the application. After receiving a majority vote of the Board, the conditional member shall become a member. If the member is not approved, all fees will be returned.
  • To join, please enter your email address below and you will be contacted by our Rear Commodore.
Membership Dues Schedule
Membership Type
Initiation DuesAnnual Dues
Yeoman (ages 10-17)
$10 per person$15 per person
Bosun (ages 18-29)
$35 per person$45 per person
Seafarer (ages 30+)
$120 one person $175 one person 
Captain (ages 30+)
$120 up to 2 members $295 for 2 members 
N/A$15 up to 2 members

First Year’s Dues (Prorated)
Membership Type Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec
Yeoman $15 $7.50 $5.00 $2.50
Bosun $45 $26.25 $17.50 $8.75
Seafarer $175.00 $175.00 $87.00 $43.75
Captain $295.00 $295.00 $147.00 $73.75
Prorating based upon the date of acceptance as a member by the board.
Prospective Member - Free Subscription period: Unlimited

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